This is one of the most serious infections affecting the bronchi and the lung parenchyma. Before the development of antibiotics and vaccines pneumonia was the main cause of death.
Pneumonia can be aggressive with high fever and chills, shortness of breath, chest pain, tachypnea and fatigue with progressive deterioration. In this case, hospitalization is required.
Pneumonia can be atypical and the patient seems to be healthy and capable of moving for quite some time. It is the most insidious type of pneumonia including symptoms like slight cough, low fever and mild fatigue. For this reason it is called "atypical pneumonia".
Pneumonia can be due to bacteria, viruses or autoimmune diseases.
In any case consulting the family doctor is absolutely necessary. He will determine whether treatment of the infection administering the proper medication is possible at home or hospitalization for intravenous treatment is required.
Filaretou 8,
Gerakas 15344
6977 713238 (preferred)
210 6612208
Information about COVID-19 and vaccination on tel. number 6977-713238